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Exploring Programming Fundamentals

A full day GCSE Computer Science workshop covering for unit 2.2 Programming Fundamentals

Workshop name: Exploring programming fundamentals

Duration: Full day


  1. Master the use of variables, constants, operators, inputs, outputs, and assignments
  2. Understand and apply the three basic programming constructs: sequence, selection, and iteration
  3. Utilise common arithmetic and Boolean operators in programming
  4. Work with various data types and perform basic string manipulation
  5. Conduct basic file handling operations
  6. Use records to store data and SQL to search for data
  7. Implement and manipulate one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) arrays
  8. Develop structured code using sub programs (functions and procedures)
  9. Generate and use random numbers in programming

Session 1: Introduction to Programming Concepts

  • Welcome and overview
    • Introduction to the workshop objectives and schedule
    • The importance of programming fundamentals in computer science
  • Variables, Constants, Operators, Inputs, Outputs, and Assignments
    • Explanation and examples of variables, constants, operators, inputs, outputs, and assignments
    • Hands-on exercise: Writing a simple program that uses these elements
  • Basic Programming Constructs
    • Sequence: Understanding sequential execution of statements
    • Selection: Implementing conditional statements (if, else)
    • Iteration: Using loops (for, while)
    • Hands-on exercise: Creating programs with sequence, selection, and iteration

Session 2: Operators and Data Types

  • Common Arithmetic Operators
    • Overview of arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %, etc.)
    • Practice: Solving arithmetic problems using programming
  • Common Boolean Operators
    • Explanation of AND, OR, NOT operators
    • Practice: Implementing Boolean logic in conditional statements
  • Data Types and Casting
    • Introduction to data types: integer, real, Boolean, character, string
    • Explanation of casting and type conversion
    • Hands-on exercise: Writing programs that use various data types and casting

Session 3: String Manipulation and File Handling

  • Basic String Manipulation
    • Operations on strings: concatenation, slicing, finding length, etc.
    • Practice: Implementing basic string operations in programs
  • Basic File Handling Operations
    • File operations: open, read, write, close
    • Hands-on exercise: Writing programs to perform file I/O operations

Session 4: Advanced Data Handling

  • Use of Records and SQL
    • Introduction to records and their use in storing structured data
    • Basics of SQL for searching data
    • Hands-on exercise: Creating records and performing SQL queries
  • Working with Arrays
    • Explanation of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) arrays
    • Practice: Writing programs to manipulate 1D and 2D arrays

Session 5: Structured Code with Sub Programs

  • Using Sub Programs (Functions and Procedures)
    • Definition and benefits of using sub programs
    • Hands-on exercise: Creating and using functions and procedures
  • Random Number Generation
    • Techniques for generating random numbers
    • Practice: Writing programs that use random numbers for various applications

Session 6: Comprehensive Programming Challenge and Recap

  • Comprehensive Programming Challenge/li>
    • Solving a complex programming problem that incorporates elements learned throughout the workshop
  • Workshop Recap and Q&A
    • Review of key concepts covered throughout the workshop/li>
    • Additional resources for further study

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