Elevate your curriculum
Mastering Data Structures
A full day workshop covering OCR A-Level Computer Science topic 1.4.2 Data Structures
Workshop name: Mastering Data Structures in OCR A-Level Computer Science
Duration: Full day
- Understand the key concepts and applications of different data structures
- Develop problem-solving skills using data structures
- Implement and manipulate data structures in Python
Session 1: Introduction to Data Structures
- Welcome and Overview
- Introduction to the workshop objectives and schedule
- Brief discussion on the importance of data structures in computer science
- Basic Concepts
- Definitions and purposes of data structures
- Types of data structures (linear vs. non-linear)
- Arrays and Lists
- Introduction to arrays and lists
- Use cases and examples
- Basic operations: insertion, deletion, traversal
Session 2: Advanced List Operations and Strings
- Advanced List Operations
- Sorting and searching algorithms (e.g., binary search)
- Slicing, list comprehensions
- Strings as Data Structures
- String manipulation techniques
- Use of strings in programming (substring search, concatenation)
Session 3: Stacks and Queues
- Stacks
- Definition, properties, and applications
- Implementation using lists
- Common operations: push, pop, peek
- Queues
- Definition, properties, and applications
- Implementation using lists or collections.deque
- Common operations: enqueue, dequeue, front
- Practical Exercise
- Hands-on activity: Implement a stack and a queue in Python
- Students solve a problem using stack or queue
Session 4: Linked Lists
- Singly Linked Lists
- Definition and structure
- Node class implementation
- Basic operations: insertion, deletion, traversal
- Doubly Linked Lists
- Differences from singly linked lists
- Implementation and basic operations
Session 5: Trees and Graphs
- Trees
- Introduction to tree structures
- Binary trees: properties and traversals (in-order, pre-order, post-order)
- Binary search trees (BST): insertion, search, deletion
- Graphs
- Introduction to graphs, terminology (vertices, edges)
- Representation methods (adjacency matrix, adjacency list)
- Basic algorithms: Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS)
Session 6: Advanced Data Structures and Wrap-Up
- Hash Tables
- Concept of hashing
- Implementation of hash tables
- Collision resolution techniques
- Heaps and Priority Queues
- Definition and properties of heaps
- Implementation of min-heaps and max-heaps
- Use cases of priority queues
- Wrap-Up and Q&A
- Review key concepts covered
- Address any questions or difficulties
- Provide additional resources for further learning